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Layne Norton on How Social Media Influencers Distort the Science of Nutrition & Fitness (And How To Discern Fact from Fiction)

By March 18, 2024No Comments
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Episode #820



The nutrition internet space is rife with bombastic ad hominem attacks, absolutes, and weaponized cherry-picked studies for self-serving interests.

But how do we distinguish credible science and positive influences amid the pervasive misinformation and negativity surrounding diet and nutrition? And how can we empower people to navigate social media claims independently?

This week, I am joined by Dr. Layne Norton, a renowned nutrition and fitness expert, to unravel the intricacies of diet, exercise, and the psychological factors influencing our health journeys.

As the founder of BioLayne and holding a Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences, Layne provides ethical coaching fueled by scientific integrity and has distinguished himself in the fitness industry. He succeeded with a natural pro card in bodybuilding in 2006, won the 2010 IFPA International heavyweight class, and earned an overall silver at the 2015 International Powerlifting Federation World Championships with a world record squat of 668 lbs.

Layne’s expertise spans diverse diets, from plant-based to keto and carnivore. He employs an evidence-based approach to nutrition and training. As a published author and sought-after speaker, he translates intricate scientific details into practical applications with finesse.

The longer I delve into this field, the more humility I develop regarding the complexity of nutrition science and my limited knowledge—with a growing appreciation for nuance. I’ve become less sanguine and more circumspect about whose opinions I trust on this topic.

“Be careful if someone says their diet is the solution to everything.”


Today’s conversation delves into the intricacies of nutrition science, emphasizing the need for skepticism towards sensational claims and the allure of “secret knowledge.” Layne discusses weight management, highlighting personal responsibility and the impact of exercise on appetite regulation.

We also tackle common diet myths surrounding cholesterol and seed oils. Additionally, strategies for muscle growth are discussed for plant-based individuals. The discussion explores the crucial psychological aspects of dietary change, emphasizing the power of identity, the importance of a sustainable approach, and the establishment of a compelling “why.”

For those who prefer a visual experience, the conversation is available on YouTube. As always, the audio version streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

I find Layne to be a principled advocate and truth-teller, a myth-buster who genuinely serves the public. His substantive contributions to the public dialogue on health and wellness represent an invaluable asset.

I hope this conversation empowers you to make more informed choices regarding your health and nutrition.


Peace + Plants,

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